Formula for Density

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Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance.
Gravitational field strength is the gravitational force per unit mass (N/kg).
Gravitational field is a region in which a mass experiences a force due to gravitational attraction.
Mass is the measurement of the amount of substance in a body.
Inertia refers to the reluctance of the object to change its state of rest or motion.
The bigger the mass of a body, the greater its inertia.
(ie, the bigger the mass, the more difficult it is to make a stationary object move, or to make a moving object change its speed or direction, due to its inertia)
Mass | Weight |
A measurement of the amount of substance in a body. | A measurement of the amount of gravitational force acting on a body |
SI Unit: kilogram (kg) | SI Unit: newton (N) |
Constant regardless of the gravitational field strength | Varies according to the gravitational field strength |
Measured by a beam balance or electronic balance | Measured by a spring balance |
Scalar quantity | Vector quantity |