What is the source of sulfur dioxide, and the harmful effects of sulfur dioxide?

The source of sulfur dioxide comes from burning of fossil fuels, and volcanic activity.

Sulfur dioxide can dissolve in rain water high up in the atmosphere, forming acid rain.

Acid rain speeds up the corrosion of buildings and structures made of limestone or reactive metals, like steel.

Acid rain makes water too acidic, which can be harmful to aquatic organisms.

Acid rain removes essential metal ions needed by plants, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium ions from the soil, affecting the health of plants.

List the 3 consequences of global warming.

Melting of ice in the polar ice caps, mountain glaciers, resulting in the rise in sea level, resulting in flooding of low lying regions.

Increase in average global temperatures

Climate change, resulting in an increase in extreme weather conditions, like heat waves and droughts

What is the importance of the ozone layer?

The ozone layer filters out some of the harmful UV radiation from the sun, reducing the amount of harmful UV rays reaching the Earth’s surface.

The harmful UV radiation can cause skin cancer, genetic mutations, eye damage, and is harmful to marine life.

List down the metals reactivity series, from most reactive metal to the least reactive metal.

Potassium, (most reactive)
Platinium (least reactive)

Use this mnemonic to help u remember.
” Please Stop Calling Me A Cute Zebra In The Lion Hunting Class Sensitive Giant Panda.”

What is Brownian Motion? What causes Brownian Motion?

Brownian motion refers to the constant, random motion of small suspended particles in a fluid.

Brownian motion is caused by the constant, random bombardment of the fluid particles on the small suspended particles from all directions, causing the small suspended particles to move constantly in a haphazard motion.

A dust particle suspended in air moving in constant, random motion is an example of Brownian motion.